
“For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned”
- Anonymous



The Hexagon Awards represent a significant investment in our people, with the explicit expectation that our leadership teams maximize the return through full utilization and preparation.


Best Practices for Preparation

Budget the Time to Prepare

Set aside time well in advance of the service anniversary to meaningfully contemplate the event and your role.

Peer InvolvemenT

Intergraph succeeds through our teams and the celebration of our individual and collective success. Make sure to have an audience for the event - team, department, key vendors, friends, and family are all appropriate considerations that will require some upfront scheduling on your part.

Be Specific and Use Stories

When you’re considering your remarks for the event, recall specific instances that highlight real contribution to the team and Intergraph. It’s established fact that story telling is the most effective way to relate themes and engage audiences, so craft a story around the moment. Like any good story, it’s got a beginning, middle (climax), and end.

Beginning: Present the background and highlights of situation

Middle / Climax: Relate specifically how the team member contributed to led action to a solution

End: Summarize the specific, measured is generally best, results and how they link to Intergraph Mission, Vision, and Values.

Connections in Time

As a reference to people and means to engage the audience, link your stories and presentation to past events in the world and Intergraph success.

Award Symbolism

Take the time to think about what this award means to you, the team, and Intergraph. Sustained excellence, loyalty, and teamwork are all potential places to start.


What to Avoid


It’s the rare talent that can pull off a prescribed joke in front of an audience without offending someone. Don’t take the chance of tainting this special moment with a joke. Genuine humor is always welcome.


This is an important moment for the employee and team. Don’t use embarrassing stories or anecdotes. Keep everything POSITIVE AND PROACTIVE.

Legal Matters

Avoid statements around ”working together in the future“ or ”guaranteed position on this team“. These could be mistakenly interpreted as employer commitments.


Avoid any references to the following:
Sexual Orientation
Religious Affiliation



Chances are, you know what’s ”over the line“ and if you are questioning it - it probably is. If in doubt, don’t do it or consult Human Resources with questions.